Refund and Returns Policy

We are committed to making you happy with all of our customer service. Because we know it’s really hard for customers to return products, we always do the top quality of product. We always send pictures for you to check before shipping and measure if you need. Every product is tested by our members before shipping to ensure you get the best quality products. Although we have tried our best, sometimes things could happen. For such cases, we will work with the customer to solve it so that the customer is always satisfied.

● Order Cancellations:

If you have placed an order and paid with us, you can cancel at any time before the package is shipped. We will refund 100% of your money back. However, once you have confirmed and the order has been shipped we will not accept cancellations and refunds.

● Seized Package:

Because the products are replicas, we cannot avoid cases of customs confiscation. If your package is confiscated, we will resend the new product to you, we will resend it for 40% of the original purchase price. This means you need to pay us 40% of the original cost in order for us to ship the new product to you.

● Product Refund

We always make high quality products so we will try not to let our customers down. However, if you discover an error with the item you have received, please take a picture of the error and contact us immediately via email or other communication methods available to you. We will work with you to ensure your satisfaction.

For products that do not fit, you can contact us. We accept returns for sending new products or for refunds however you will bear the full cost of shipping to us. We will refund or proceed to ship a new product after receiving the product. However, this is a difficult process for our customers, so we can ship your new pair for 60% of your original cost. With this policy, you can keep the old shoes received for your relatives or friends.

If you have any questions about our return and refund policy please email to: [email protected]